4 Mr Jones (Year 2)
Welcome to Year 2
We have lots of lovely things planned this term, and we are excited to share our learning journey with you.
Topic Overview
Our Autumn term theme is called "Encore." This is an Expressive Arts driven theme focusing on drama and a discipline of art. The purposeful passenger for this theme is Humanities.
Autumn Term at Gwaunfarren has always been a hive of excitement as we prepare for Christmas productions. Our concerts are an integral part of our ethos and community, so we wanted to develop a topic that would enhance this experience.
Below is a Knowledge Organiser which provides further information about what the children will be focusing on this term.
Class Information:
Snack time - School fruit is available daily for 30p a day or £1.50 for the week. If you prefer, the children can bring their own fruit.
Please make sure you join our Class Dojo to keep up to date with any photographs, messages and reminders. Mr. Lewis also posts important messages via the School Story.
Our Outdoor afternoon is a Monday - Please can you ensure that the children dress appropriately for the weather - For example, wellies and raincoats if it is wet or sun hats and sun cream if it is hot etc.
Our PE day is Monday. Please ensure pupils have appropriate kit for these sessions (trainers/ joggers/ leggings/ t-shirts). Please make sure that all jewellery is removed.
Our bike and scooter day is on a Thursday - The children can bring their bike or scooter to school with them. Please remember to bring the children's helmets.
Celebration Assembly - Every Friday morning we celebrate any achievements or awards that the children have achieved outside school - We encourage the children to share their achievements with us, so we can celebrate with them.
Reading Books/Homework Information:
Reading packs go home everyday and come in every morning. We encourage our pupils to read for 10-15 minutes everyday and we change the books frequently throughout the week.
Please can you sign your child’s reading record so we can clearly see that a book has been read, otherwise it may not be changed.
Reading eggs is available for extra online reading support and pupils receive their log in details at the start of the year.
Spelling homework is usually given out on a Monday and is expected to be returned the following Monday - dojo’s for pupils who return their spelling sheet completed.
When homework is set, it is given on a Friday and I will notify you on Class Dojo with the relevant details.
Useful Links:
Click on the images below to follow the links to the relevant websites.