7 Mrs Bibby (Year 4)
Welcome Message
Welcome to year 3/4 of Gwaunfarren Primary school. We have lots of lovely things planned this term and we are excited to share our learning journey with you.
Topic Overview
This term we are exploring the concept of ‘Cynefin’ and our theme vehicle is “Land of song.” We will be looking at how we belong and feel connected to our country through the music and songs of Wales.
PE days
Our PE day is Thursday afternoon. Please ensure pupils have appropriate kit for these sessions ( trainers/ joggers/ leggings/ t-shirts).
Reading Books/ Homework
Reading packs go home everyday and come in every morning. We encourage our pupils to read for 5 minutes everyday and we change the books frequently throughout the week. Please can you sign your child’s reading record so we can clearly see that a book has been read, otherwise it may not be changed. Reading eggs is available for extra online reading support and pupils receive their log in details at the start of the year.
When homework is set, it is given on a Friday and can be returned by the following Monday. Any online work is set on google classroom and dojo messages will be sent to provide instructions regarding homework or online work.
Useful Links