Criw Cymraeg
Our Criw Cymraeg is made up of representatives of pupils from Years 2 through to Year 6. They meet weekly on a Wednesday to promote Welsh and develop the Siarter Iaith across the school. They decide which targets they are going to work on this week, give feedback on how last week’s targets are going and discuss how to celebrate any special days/events that may be coming up in our Welsh calendar.
What do we do?
As Criw Cymraeg, we have given ourselves the following job description…
- Promote a Welsh ethos in Gwaunfarren Primary School by encouraging learners to speak Welsh by giving out tocyn iaiths and weekly awards;
- Implement Siarter Iaith Cymraeg Campus and gather evidence to achieve our school targets;
- Support Welsh games on the yard;
- Help run Welsh assemblies;
- Deliver the Patrwm yr Wythnos in assembly.
Objective :
The simple objective of the Language Charter is to provide a clear framework, which can be used to promote and increase the use of Welsh by children in a whole school context. In a nutshell, the Charter’s main aim is to promote a strong Welsh ethos in our school and to provide a range of enriching activities that propel the children to enjoy learning Welsh.
The Language Charter exhorts participation from every member of the school community, and members of the school workforce and council, the pupils and their parents, school governors and the wider community are all encouraged to take full ownership of it. The Criw Cymraeg (Welsh Crew) are instrumental in leading and driving the Language Charter forward at Whitchurch Primary.
Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards :
To ensure that all efforts are rewarded, the Charter is based on the principle that every school follows challenging but attainable targets in connection with promoting the use of the Welsh language. The specific targets included in the Language Charter can form part of a school’s Welsh Development Plan.