Mrs Morgan (Nursery)
Welcome Message
Welcome to Year 1. We have lots of great activities planned this term and can’t wait to share our learning journey with you.
Topic Overview
This term we are exploring the concept of ‘Cynefin / Belonging’. We will be talking about our families and to whom we belong. This will include - pets, family members and understanding the relationships between different family members.
Need to know days
Muddy Monday - We spend a Monday afternoon outdoors in our school environment engaging in focussed tasks. Pupils will be required to wear wellies for this. You may wish to leave a spare pair of wellies in school or transport them to and from school each Monday.
Wednesday - Bikes and Scooters. Pupils may bring their bikes or scooters to school. Please ensure they bring a helmet too!
Thursday - PE. Please ensure appropriate clothing and footwear. Also ALL jewellery must be removed.
Friday - Whole School Celebration Assembly. If your child has obtained any achievements or awards outside of school, they are able to bring them in to share with the school during our celebration assembly. It is during this assembly that Pupil of the Week and Plentyn Cymraeg Yr Wythnos are celebrated.
Reading Books/ Homework
Reading books and homework packs are sent out every Friday along with a set of target words devised specifically to suit your childs level of development. Please read with your child at every available opportunity and practise their target words. These packs need to be returned to school no later than a Wednesday.
Milk and Fruit
Milk is offered daily to Foundation Phase pupils free of charge. We also sell a wide range of fruit daily. The children love ordering school fruit in Welsh. Receiving school fruit gives them the independence to choose what they would like and how they would like it prepared. This is on sale for 25p per day / £1.25 per week.
Useful Links